
Plant-based fermented yoghurts: Texture takes center stage!

Packed with live cultures for a happy gut and a delicious taste

Hold it! Here’s the Food Ingredients Europe nominee – and recipient of an honourable mention – game-changer to get that delicious spoonful! Welcome to the ultimate texture. With PerfectaSOL® you’ll achieve smooth, creamy plant-based fermented yoghurts that rival traditional dairy products. Choose your desired texture, no matter what base you use. Get delicious results. Curious? Watch the videos.

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PerfectaSOL for plant-based fermented oat yoghurtBenchmark of commercial oat-based fermented yoghurt
PerfectaSOL for delicious plant-based fermented Greek-style yoghurtBenchmark of commercial plant-based fermented Greek-style yoghurt
PerfectaSOL for plant-based fermented yoghurt - 4 different basesDiscover how PerfectaSOL can support in creating delicious plant-based almond, coconut, oat and soy yoghurts

Greek-style Coconut yoghurt

Create a delicious fermented Greek-style Coconut yoghurt. Download the recipe for inspiration.

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Stirred Oat yoghurt

Create a delicious stirred oat yoghurt with fruit. Download the recipe for inspiration.

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Awards 2024

Plant-based Innovation Awards

This plant-based fermented yoghurt solution has won several awards in different regions. At the FoodBev Awards, we won the World Plant-Based Innovation Award at Bridge2Food North America. It also ranked Silver in the Plant-based Excellence Awards and we also received an honourable mention in the Dairy Alternative Innovation category at Fi Europe all with our breakthrough PerfectaSOL® as the ultimate texturiser for plant-based foods.

Don’t just make great food. Make food Good.

Our ingredients deliver optimised taste: full, smooth mouthfeel texture, perfect texture and spoonability are clean label and easy to process. Our solution was also recognized by the experts when it was nominated and received an honourable mention in the Dairy Alternative Innovation category at the Fi Innovation Awards. Want to know more? Get in touch with our expert Meleknur Tüzün and request a sample 


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